Friday, 12 September 2014

Breaking Sexual Soul Ties

I Samuel 18:1 "When David had finished speaking to Saul, the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own life."
A soul tie is formed when you are extremely close to someone or something, i.e. best friends, your car that you must wash every week. A soul tie is also formed with every person you have had sex with. Demons cause you to have ungodly soul ties.
We can form "Godly" as well as "ungodly" soul ties with our family, friends, pastors, other Christians, churches, movie stars, and rock stars and the list goes on.
Demons in a Christian are found in their soul - which is their mind, will and emotions (such as depression, fear, anxiety, panic, grief, mental illness, etc), and also in their bodies (such as diseases like cancer, arthritis, heart disease, high blood pressure, etc.). When a soul tie is formed, a person takes on the characteristics of the person or thing it has formed that tie with. In our experience in Deliverance, we have found that people form ungodly soul ties with movie stars from having their pictures, books, tapes, etc.
One lady had a demon of addiction to alcohol and drugs, she also had problems with men and love. When praying for her the Lord impressed upon us to tell her to get rid of the picture she had of Marilyn Monroe at the head of her bed. What problems (demons) did Marilyn Monroe have - drugs, alcohol, and problems with men and love. Other people have given testimony that people who have had pictures of John Wayne took on Wayne's characteristics - walked and talked like him. You even see it in ministers. The high profile ministers on television - their understudies preach like and even their voices sound like them.
The Old Testament definition in the Strong's Concordance gives 5315 for soul as - to breathe, to be breathed upon, i.e. refreshed (as if by a current of air), breathing creature, any appetite, beast, body, breath, desire, heart, etc.
The New Testament definition in the Strong's Concordance gives 5590 for soul as - heart, life, mind, etc.
Soul ties with God: Deuteronomy 10:20 states, "You shall [reverently] fear the Lord your God; you shall serve Him and cling to Him, and by His name and presence you shall swear." Cling or cleave in the Strong's Concordance means to cling or adhere, cleave (fast together) be joined together. We are to form a soul tie with the Lord, and this is very important for us in our daily warfare and Deliverance. We must commit ourselves to the Lord and serve Him, and as this soul tie is formed we will be able to say as Jesus said, "...I and My Father are One..."

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